As much as you’d like your team to work for free and to have the highest quality staff at the lowest possible prices … it will never happen. You might tell yourself that you’re doing what you’re doing because you love the job and the company that you work for and that your staff and employees should feel the same – but – let’s be honest … you and your team are doing it for the money. You probably have a family that you are looking after, and if not, you’re doing this because you have your own personal interests that you wish to pursue.
“‘In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
Now, there is obviously not too much you can do to change the overall taxation system of the country that you work with/in (although it is definitely true that even a small voice speaking loudly and with conviction makes a difference) … you can, however, ensure that the way your staff are treated and compensated is in their best interests and works to their favor. Make sure that if they work out of hours they get paid for it. If they do extra work for the company they get the appropriate compensation and if they are entitled to a holiday – they take it! You need to look out for your team and if you do it right and do it regularly they will look out for you too!