There are many ways that job satisfaction affects the productivity of a company. Companies and organizations with more job satisfaction among their ranks will tend to have a higher production rate compared to companies with lesser rates of job satisfaction. An organization can ensure job satisfaction in various ways depending on the set regulation and rules governing the running of the business. The relationship between the owners, the managers, and other employees are what contributes to job satisfaction. A great relationship with good salaries and remuneration, high levels of respect and trust, a healthy working environment, among other factors, enhances job satisfaction.
Job satisfaction plays a crucial role in the well-being of an organization. This can be seen in an employee who sees his or her job as fulfilling and enjoyable thus will take it with the importance deserved, unlike that employee who doesn’t give his commitment since he or she feels dissatisfied. The human resource can realize these crucial points through various factors listed below.
Lower turnover
Satisfied employees will not be in a rush to leave or look for greener pastures elsewhere. They will own the job they do, love what they do just because they are content with the systems of that particular organization.
This, in turn, gives the human resource ample time in recruitment since few employees are leaving. Retaining employees’ cuts on the cost of recruitment and training, ensuring the valuable experience is utilized. This also gives the organization time to search for talent and improve their workforce.
Improved productivity
Once an employee is satisfied, the work input will generally increase. Many factors will push the worker to improve their work output. A great working environment that ensures reasonable working hours, good hygiene conditions, and a nice salary will force the worker to give back in terms of salary. Such a worker will want to impress at his or her work, thus improve on their production rate. Efficiency is always improved when one has to work under favourable conditions, and these favourable conditions are what contributes to job satisfaction.
Increased profits
There are many ways that profits can be maximized through the job satisfaction of your employees. Job satisfaction, as we have seen, can lead to improvements in individual output, thus leading to greater production and efficiency. Efficiency, on the other side, is an important attribute to cutting the cost of production. Bringing these factors together maximizes profits in that particular company. There are also other factors that can lead to an increase in profits in case of job satisfaction. Since the workers of that organization will tend to stay longer than opt to search for greener pastures, the experience in the labour force will be retained, this will lead to
Loyalty among the employees creates goodwill among the workforce and the friends of the company. Employees who are satisfied with their job will always have a sense of belonging. They will have the feeling that that organization is trying to keep their interests at heart. Loyalty to the company will grow among the employees if there is a feeling of job satisfaction. Loyalty, in the long run, will contribute to the employee’s need to contribute to the organization’s vision and mission support
How to promote job satisfaction in a company

It is not hard to improve your employee’s job satisfaction. A good personnel management department can start by creating better working conditions by promoting good hygiene, safe working environment, equal opportunities for both genders and disabled people, giving out incentives, salary increments, rewarding the hard-working employees, promoting innovations and on-job learning through simple training like first aid; fire fighting and safety and other motivation aspects. A good relationship between the management and the workforce can also play a major role in bringing in job satisfaction. These factors can bring about an understanding between the management and the workforce. This can be promoted through the following factors:
The SHRM report stipulates that a respectable treatment of the employees is a major factor in the development of job satisfaction. The management should not look down on lower workers but treat them with the required level of respect deserved.
Trusting the choices of your employees in the decision making at their post is very vital. An employee can choose to do a particular chore using a particular method that will lead to better results than the way you want him to work. Such trust builds up confidence in what they are doing thus improving on job satisfaction.
A worker will be settled on his task knowing he or she has job security even during the recession period. Lack of security can cause anxiety among the workers, thus reducing the productivity and worse of all, lead to employee boycotting duty or even striking.
Healthy environment
A healthy working environment is not necessarily a hygiene issue. There are factors, especially psychological ones that can contribute to a great working environment. Such factors include harassment and discrimination based on gender, race and even nationality. A workplace free of these things will greatly promote a good working environment.
Career path
Career path simply entails personal growth. Every employee will aspire to grow career-wise, get a promotion, gain the required experience and skill that can enable him or her get a pay rise or another better paying job in case your organization goes south. Giving out new duties to employees and promotions is a good start to growing and enriching the employee’s resume.
Pay and benefits
The major reason why people work is to get some benefits to enable them to take their living standards to a higher and better level. Ensure your employees are paid deservedly.